DAY 24-EDUCATION-05/04/2011

A Lass And A Lack – Education in Crisis

Nanyamka is a happy girl in her village of Mwanadama in Malawi. Happy because the long-awaited school in her village has just been opened. Happy because she is one of only a few girls who have successfully enrolled.

Most girls Nanyamka’s age are not allowed to go to school since boys still take priority and she is expected to stay at home to cook. Most villages don’t have a school because of the simple lack of funds to build them. In many places where there is a school, the teachers are usually unpaid volunteers struggling with a lack of even the most basic resources.

Please pray today for schools like Nanyamka’s:

1)  For increased investment in education

2)  For basic materials like paper, pens and books to be made available

3)  For the teachers in most LEDCs, many of whom are unpaid

4)  For charities such as who send used textbooks overseas, and their new Director, Hannah Mitchell

5)  For increased access to computers and internet facilities by school children in the developing world, providing a cheap means of accessing up-to-date and relevant educational resources

Give thanks for your own education too, and ask God how he wants you to apply it to growing his kingdom. Consider volunteering as a governor of your local school so that you can be a voice of encouragement and light.

Today’s Scripture Text: Psalm 86:11

Offered by Stephen

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